Workers of

Build Broadband Better

Latest News

Juneteenth Freedom Day Celebration, Picnic, & Rally

Workers at ZeniMax, a Microsoft Video Game Studio, are bargaining their first contract. One of their priorities is securing paid time off for the Juneteenth holiday. Join CWA President Claude …

Verizon Pension Annual Funding Notice

VZW Pension Annual Funding Notice  Please note next to the link that any questions specific to the plan should be directed to a tax advisor or financial advisor.  


This update applies to associates whose spouse or domestic partner is listed on their VZ medical insurance.

Welcome to Communications Workers of America Local 2336

Latest News

Juneteenth Freedom Day Celebration, Picnic, & Rally

Workers at ZeniMax, a Microsoft Video Game Studio, are bargaining their first contract. One of their priorities is securing paid time off for …

Verizon Pension Annual Funding Notice

VZW Pension Annual Funding Notice  Please note next to the link that any questions specific to the plan should be directed to a …


This update applies to associates whose spouse or domestic partner is listed on their VZ medical insurance.

CWA Local 2336 Action Center

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act will put power in the hands of workers.

Call 1-877-750-7411 or click here.

Tell Congress to pass Paid Sick and Family Leave for ALL workers NOW!  To complete the form, click here.

We need Protective Equipment Now – Healthcare and other essential workers are on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis.  You can take action by signing the petition, click here.

Latest Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates

Verizon News

The Verizon Vaccine Mandate has been suspended.  As of now, there is no forced vaccination mandate.

Verizon Employees:  If you have been directed by a Doctor to Self-Quarantine, complete this form Work Arrangement Request Form

Verizon Agreement regarding 26 weeks of Unpaid Leave.

Verizon has renewed the following Agreement: Policy on Backup Care

Helpful Resource

If your child or college student need a Tutor in math, science, social studies and English Advisory Council on Family Care (ACFC)

Latest Updates

Climate Reality CWA Bargaining Report

The Union and the Employer met today to begin negotiating a fair first contract for our newly organized group. This was the first official meeting.

EveryAction: CWA Bargaining Report

Your bargaining committee met with the company on Wednesday, February 7 to pursue a proposal on EA compensation.

Threespot Workers United: CWA Bargaining Report #9

Negotiation session 9 took place Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, from 1:00-4:00pm. The next bargaining session will take place Friday, February 16, from 10am to 1pm.
PTO policy and other proposals were topics for discussion.

Know Your Weingarten Rights

"If the discussion I am being asked to enter could in any way lead to my discipline or termination or impact my personal working conditions, I ask that a union steward, representative or officer be present. Unless I have this union representation, I respectfully choose not to participate in this discussion."

Why Wear RED on Thursdays?

WEARING RED isn’t about showing disrespect for Managers or being anti-management.

WEARING RED is about supporting the Union in the contract negotiation process.

WEARING RED is having a voice in that process.

WEARING RED is protecting your job and your wages from being reclassified into a lesser status.

WEARING RED is providing location security so you are not forced to move to another part of the country so the company can save a few dollars.

WEARING RED is supporting families and working hours that are conducive to the family unit.

WEARING RED is pro-community. It is having a strong contract so we can live together without having to live in fear that one day our job will be replaced and eliminated. It’s about supporting your local economy.

WEARING RED is being proactive during this process so we don’t have to be reactive.

Welcome to Communications Workers of America Local 2336

Latest News

Juneteenth Freedom Day Celebration, Picnic, & Rally

Workers at ZeniMax, a Microsoft Video Game Studio, are bargaining their first contract. One of their priorities is securing paid time off for the Juneteenth holiday. Join CWA President Claude …

Verizon Pension Annual Funding Notice

VZW Pension Annual Funding Notice  Please note next to the link that any questions specific to the plan should be directed to a tax advisor or financial advisor.  


This update applies to associates whose spouse or domestic partner is listed on their VZ medical insurance.

Latest Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates

Verizon News

The Verizon Vaccine Mandate has been suspended.  As of now, there is no forced vaccination mandate.

Verizon Employees:  If you have been directed by a Doctor to Self-Quarantine, complete this form Work Arrangement Request Form

Verizon Agreement regarding 26 weeks of Unpaid Leave.

Verizon has renewed the following Agreement: Policy on Backup Care

Helpful Resource

If your child or college student need a Tutor in math, science, social studies and English Advisory Council on Family Care (ACFC)

CWA Local 2336 Action Center

Tell Congress to pass Paid Sick and Family Leave for ALL workers NOW!  To complete the form, click here.

We need Protective Equipment Now – Healthcare and other essential workers are on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis.  You can take action by signing the petition, click here.

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