Workers of

AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #28

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining

March 15, 2017 – Bargaining Report #28

Bargaining continued today with the Union passing proposals for substantial wage improvements, better commissions, improved transfer

language and job security improvements. Aside from passing proposals,

we continue to discuss all issues important to our members every time we

meet with the company.


As we have stated before, the dialogue has improved at times and small improvements have been made. However, when the most important issues come up, the company stands firm on their greedy demands. We will continue to demand better pay, better treatment, job security, training and everything necessary for the members to share in the continued growth and success of this company.

We remain committed to bargain as long as it takes to get a fair contract

and with a unified and mobilized membership standing strong with us, we

will win!!


Stay strong Brothers and Sisters!!


In Solidarity,

Mike Baxter, Local 1101 Glen Skeen, Local 4320

Frank Oliva, Local 1298 Debbie Goulet, Local 7803

Deb Casey, Local 2204 Hector Capote, Local 7250

Jeff Reamer, Local 13000 Brandon Beck, Local 9511

Julie Daloisio, Local 13500 Joe Sison, Local 9412

Holly Sorey, Local 4202 Pat Telesco, District 1, Chair

Tonya Moore, D1

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