Workers of

Mobility U.S. Enrollment Update

Mobility U.S. Enrollment Update


(HR-Benefits Distribution 10/5)


Changes ahead for Annual Enrollment

To: U.S. Mobility employees


Based on the terms of the new Mobility CWA bargaining agreement, several changes are ahead for Annual Enrollment for 2017.

  1. Take action TODAY – A new tobacco user surcharge of up to $600 annually may apply
  2. Your Annual Enrollment date has been moved to December

Tobacco Surcharge

You are considered a “tobacco user” if you have used tobacco products more than once every two weeks, on average, at any time since Jan. 1, 2016. Tobacco products currently include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, vaporizers and smokeless tobacco.

If you are NOT a tobacco user, you must certify during annual enrollment that you are NOT a tobacco user to avoid the $600 surcharge. If you ARE a tobacco user, and want to avoid the surcharge, you must complete the Quitnet tobacco cessation program by Dec. 1, 2016*. The program may take 6-8 weeks to complete, so you must take action NOW.

Annual Enrollment Moved to December

Given your recently ratified contract, you will be able to enroll Dec. 5 – 16. Click here to download a Save-the-Date calendar notice. You will receive additional information regarding your enrollment and healthcare options available to you in November.


* If you have a health condition that might cause you to need an alternative method to avoid this surcharge, contact Healthways at 888-665-6455. They will work with you (and, if you wish, with your doctor) to find a wellness program with the same reward that is right for you in light of your health status.

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