As bargaining in Philadelphia resumed this week, high level discussions took place in an
attempt to find a way to move negotiations toward a successful resolution. While the sentiment
reflected at this meeting outlined a genuine desire to find acceptable compromises that addresses both
sides’ needs, the reality at the bargaining table was far less optimistic.
The Bargaining Committee passed a Medical Proposal this week which would have saved the
company hundreds of millions of dollars over the life of the agreement and still maintained the current
level of benefits we enjoy today without significant increases in costs to both active and retired
members. While the company acknowledged movement in our proposal, they indicated it was still far
short of their goal to shift significant increases to employees and rejected the proposal outright. They
also rejected our proposal to overhaul the RAMP process and fix the major obstacles that hinder job
mobility within the Verizon footprint.
On Thursday March 17th the Bargaining Committee met with Ken Lain and Kelley Kurtzman
to get a better understanding of the company’s call sharing and expanded electronic monitoring
proposal. While the company feels that their need for flexibility is mandatory, the consequences would
absolutely result in a net loss of jobs, consolidation of existing centers and even more work being
farmed out to contractors. To be clear, if you currently work in a call center than the company’s current
proposal would absolutely endanger your future at this company.
We can’t stress enough the importance of everyone being ready to go out on strike on a
moment’s notice. We are at a critical point in these negotiations and if this company refuses to move
more in its proposals than what they are signaling than we will be forced to strike this company. Stay
Strong! Keep Mobilizing! This weekend would be a great opportunity to see CWA at all wireless