While the CWA Mid Atlantic Bargaining Committee was meeting with the company
this morning questioning the Company’s latest proposal, CWA members across the region
were receiving overnight packages from the Company. Sent through a NON-UNION mail
carrier, a summary document attempts to justify the Company’s latest version of its
retrogressive demands. The cost of this mailing alone exceeds the total cuts the Company
is attempting to make in the Tuition Assistance Plan. This act clearly demonstrates the
lengths this greedy corporation will go to chip away at every employee benefit.
Every proposal Verizon attempted to justify through its shady car salesman videos
and half-truth emails has been questioned and explored to the ends degree. The
Company’s pat response has been it needs to reduce the costs of the business. When we
explore further we either get blank stares or “I don’t knows”. After 10 months of
bargaining and 17 days of a very effective strike, the Company is clearly starting to wilt.
Not one of the Company’s proposals can they defend as a need. This round of bargaining
has been about the Company taking on the Union members that make a significant part of
the profits for the mother corporation. This is about a Greedy Corporation.
The Union and the Company are scheduled to meet again this afternoon. Bargaining
is a two way street and if Verizon truly wants things to get back to normal, they will have
to demonstrate that philosophy at the table!!