Workers of



AT&T Bargaining Report #10

AT&T CWA Mobility Orange Bargaining Report #10 February 25, 2022 Your Bargaining Team continues to meet with the Company on a daily basis. As we have stated multiple times, we are engaged in discussions specifically related to each group in the Orange Contract.


AT&T Bargaining Report #3

CWA / AT&T Orange Bargaining Report #3 January 28, 2022 Today concludes the first week of bargaining with AT&T Mobility, and the Bargaining Committee has addressed multiple issues already. We spent a significant amount of time on issues concerning Wireless Technicians working in hazardous conditions, scheduling for Call Center, Retail, and Work from Home. We addressed issues that apply to everyone including holidays and absence reporting.


AT&T Bargaining Report #4

CWA / AT&T Orange Bargaining Report #4 February 1, 2022 The Union Bargaining committee met with the Company again today. The Company responded to some of our proposals, but nothing they passed indicated that they intend to make the lives of their employees better.


AT&T Mobility Orange Extension Agreement

CWA and AT&T have agreed to extend the current agreement through February 25, 2022


AT&T Bargaining Report #7

CWA AT&T Mobility – Bargaining Report #7 February 11, 2022 After three weeks of bargaining, the Union and the Company remain far apart on many major issues. Your Bargaining Team will not settle for a deal that we do not believe is fair and equitable, so we have agreed to a two-week contract extension.


AT&T Bargaining Report #8

CWA & AT&T Mobility Orange-Bargaining Report #8 February 15, 2022 The Union Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the Company every day. Today, the company passed one of the most offensive and concessionary proposals we have seen from them in many years. After your bargaining team expressed their outrage at the Company’s proposal, the Company immediately withdrew their concessionary proposal.


AT&T Bargaining Report #9

AT&T Mobility Orange – Bargaining Report #9 February 18, 2022 After a bad start to bargaining this week, we did have some progress in more recent bargaining sessions. The progress is not nearly enough to get us to a contract. Medical benefits are still a real sticking point and we remain very far apart.


#Your24 Attendance Trial

Empowering employees with flexibility when it matters most! The trial includes: 1) grace period extended to 10 minutes; 2) occurrences expiration reduced; 3) converting points to hours; and, 4) utilize the Shift app to view your hours and occurrences. The trial starts September 14, 2020.


Keep and Create Jobs in USA


Tentative Agreement AT&T Mobility

AT&T Mobility Tentative Agreement After almost a year of hard bargaining and unprecedented mobilization, we have reached a groundbreaking tentative agreement for members under the Orange contract at AT&T Mobility. Never before have we seen this level of mobilization for a fair contract, and never before have we won so much at the bargaining table.

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