Workers of

Bargaining Report #20

Hello Brothers and Sisters of PIW – CWA and PIW met Monday, August 6 and Tuesday, August 7.  The Company and Union are nearing a conclusion to negotiating non-economic language.  To date we have reached 13 tentative agreements.  A tentative agreement is a signed agreement you have reached on a particular topic.  These last two days we have worked on proposals that will impact how your schedules are set; hours you work; how a layoff will be handled and how you can be represented in the workplace.


One issue we have continually brought up since Day 1 at the table is our member’s safety.  Since we have been negotiating we have heard numerous code lavenders and seen the aggression of patients escalate putting every member at risk.  At the table, the Hospital committed to establishing a safety  position that would provide assistance to all of you in those scenarios.  Today they pulled out of putting that down in writing for now.


This is a slap in the face to every worker at PIW.  When your safety is not a priority for the employer you work for think about what else is not going to be a priority for them.


Now more than ever we need members to unite and stand up for yourself, your co-worker and your patients.  You need to address the everyday injustices that happen here.  Minimizing the important role you play at PIW in delivering quality patient care coupled with the disrepect you endure from all sides has got to stop.  And it can stop with you.


All this week CWA Local 2336 is recognizing the work you do and your importance to the operation of this Hospital.  Stop by in the morning outside the Hospital every day this week.


               Remember we are stronger together. 

                It will only continue if you allow it.

We need you to “Stand Up & Fight Back”

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