CWA and PIW did not meet Monday, February 5, 2018, due to the lead Company negotiator being ill but were able to bargain Tuesday, February 6, 2018. In the opening session the Union and the Company had extensive conversation regarding training, certification, and the use of Healthstream. There was also discussion on the clinical concerns at PIW where management and employees can build better communication on resolving ongoing issues involving patients. CWA is also pursuing language that will protect our members safety when dealing with these patients. CWA and PIW were able to reach one tentative agreement. CWA and PIW will be meeting several more times in March to continue moving forward to completing a fair contract for the employees at PIW. PIW presented CWA with a proposal to address working in inclement weather. There was also further discussion on job security language for employees at PIW. CWA continues to work towards language to protect all opportunities of continued employment at PIW for our members.
While no agreement between CWA and PIW has been reached we are beginning to turn the corner on contract language and begin discussing economic issues. CWA will keep working to resolve issues and come to a fair agreement for all of you.
We need you to “Stand Up & Fight Back”