The Union and Company met to continue negotiations Wednesday, November 6th and Thursday, November 7th, 2019. During these 2-day sessions, PIW handed over job description information that the Union had requested over 4 months ago. The Union bargaining committee spent time reviewing the job descriptions since PIW has a proposal on the table to consolidate and/or change some existing job titles. As a result of that review, the Union submitted an additional request to clarify some of the titles.
In addition, the Union presented an information request dealing with Staffing at the hospital. Please be patient with us while we occupy your Staff Lounge while in these bargaining. This is the only room PIW continually assigns us to use. We have repeatedly asked to be moved to another space so that you can relax and enjoy your break and lunch time away from your units. CWA members are important to use and we recognize the much needed down time your jobs entail.
The Union prepared and revised our initial safety proposal. Our goal is to try and define what responsibilities get assigned to onsite safety personnel. We understand the Department of Health made another visit to PIW. Each of you should take pride in the job you do here and continue to do it safely and ethically regardless of any pressure you may receive from management. It’s your license and your livelihood at risk
We will be returning in December. The Committee would like to wish you and your families a Happy and safe Thanksgiving. Remember, we are stronger together.