Workers of

PIW Bargaining Report #5 Nov.15,2016



The Union and the Company met Tuesday, November 15, 2016 for the first of a two day bargaining session. The morning bargaining session started with the Union presenting our counter proposal on “discipline”, and presenting our proposal for “job postings & bidding”. The Company submitted to the Union, their proposal on “substance abuse” and a counter proposal to “arbitration”. Both sides agreed to caucus for private discussions on these items.


The afternoon session started with the Union presenting the Company a counter proposal for “substance abuse”, while the Company presented their counter proposals for “job postings & filling vacancies” along with their absurd second counter proposal for “discipline”. The Company also presented a proposal for “recognition and definitions and classifications”.


The Union and Company are scheduled to meet on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 to continue this round of  bargaining. We ask that all Union members continue to mobilize and support your bargaining team. We need to show the Company, we’re all in this together.

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