Workers of



AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #1

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 25, 2017 – Bargaining Report #1 The CWA Bargaining Committee met with AT&T today to kick-off bargaining for a successor “Orange” Regional Agreement covering over 20,000 employees in CWA Districts 1, 2-13, 4, 7, and 9.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #2

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 26, 2017 – Bargaining Report #2 The Orange Contract Bargaining Committee met with the Company today and continued negotiating for a fair contract for AT&T mobility members. There are several information requests that remain open and the bargaining team made it clear we expect them filled immediately.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #3

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 27, 2017 – Bargaining Report #3 The Orange Bargaining Committee was anticipating meeting with the Company today but was informed by the Company’s Bargaining Chair early this morning that they were not prepared to meet today.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #4

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 28, 2017 – Bargaining Report #4 The Company and Union met today over several issues. The company made a benefits proposal that is extensive and at first glance is riddled with givebacks. The bargaining team asked many clarifying questions and requested additional information connected with the proposal.


AT&T Mobilty Bargaining Report #5

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 29, 2017 – Bargaining Report #5 The Bargaining Team met the company today with the hopes of working toward a fair and equitable contract. The Company wasted no time in showing that they have absolutely no respect for the employees that built their company.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #6

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 30, 2017 – Bargaining Report #6 AT&T wasted no time showing how greedy they are and how little they care about their employees. Since bargaining began, they have done nothing but demand givebacks and attack worker’s benefits.


AT&T Mobilty Bargaining Report #7

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining January 31, 2017 – Bargaining Report #7 One week into bargaining and AT&T continues to use stall tactics at the bargaining table. The Union has open information requests going back weeks and the company continues to stonewall and play dumb when it comes to information.


AT&T Mobility BArgaining Report #8

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining February 01, 2017 – Bargaining Report #8 With Groundhog Day rapidly approaching, the Bargaining Team saw a lot of the same old nonsense from greedy AT&T. The company continues to fill information requests at a snail’s pace and large portions of pertinent data are missing.


Bargaining Update

AT&T West A nearly year-long campaign led by CWA has produced a big safety and health victory for AT&T technicians. CWA District 9 staff – joined by CWAers in District 3, 4, 6 and the Telecommunications and Technologies sector – pressed AT&T to replace the 100 percent synthetic uniforms it required technicians to wear, among other unsafe conditions.


AT&T’s DirecTV Now plagued with outages and sports blackouts

Barely two weeks after AT&T launched DirecTV Now, the online streaming service’s customers have already been hit by multiple outages, unexpected blackouts of live local sports games, and missing channels. There was an outage of about three hours last night and a two-hour outage Friday night, TVPredictions reported today.

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