Workers of



AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #32

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 27, 2017 – Bargaining Report #32 As Bargaining continues, the Company’s response has been more of the same greed and stall tactics. Multiple information requests by the Union remain partially or completely unfulfilled. The Company is showing no urgency toward bargaining a fair contract.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #33

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 29, 2017 – Bargaining Report #33 Bargaining continued today and some small improvements have been made including a tentative agreement on work boots for supply chain/warehouse workers. While we are happy with any positive movement and dialogue, we stress that we remain far apart on major issues.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #34

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 31, 2017 – Bargaining Report #34 The Bargaining team continues to demand a fair contract at the bargaining table, but the Company’s actions are far louder than their words.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #28

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 15, 2017 – Bargaining Report #28 Bargaining continued today with the Union passing proposals for substantial wage improvements, better commissions, improved transfer language and job security improvements.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #25

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 8, 2017 – Bargaining Report #25 The Bargaining Team and Company met today to discuss a number of outstanding issues. No official proposals were passed by either side, but we clarified many of our previous data requests and the importance of those requests being filled quickly and completely.


Unity @ Mobility

Terry, We will accomplish nothing at the bargaining table without each and every one of us taking action for a fair contract at AT&T Mobility. One of us alone is powerless, but with all of us standing side by side, we are powerful. We have to use that power! Our Day of Action in February was huge – thousands of us came out to rallies and informational pickets across the country.


AT&T Informational Picketing

We will be doing “informational picketing” at the Chinatown store 785 7th St. N.W. Washington D.C. 20001, on Saturday March 11, 2017 @ 10:30am – 12:30pm. If you are assigned off, please come out and mobilize. If you can come before your tour please do so. We have to show the Company that we’re serious about our jobs, and about bargaining.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #22

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 4, 2017 – Bargaining Report #22 Bargaining resumed today and, for the first time in a while, there was some meaningful dialogue. While we remain extremely far apart, the tone was a little different today.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #23

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 5, 2017 – Bargaining Report #23 The Union and Company resumed bargaining today and again the dialogue was productive. While we must stress that we remain extremely far apart, the last couple days have been encouraging.


AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #24

CWA / AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining March 6, 2017 – Bargaining Report #24 Bargaining resumed today and once again the dialogue was productive. We are still very far apart, but we continue to move forward. The Union passed a counter proposal strengthening the Force Adjustment language and increasing severance pay.

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